[postgis-users] Spatial intersect optimization
Josh Livni
josh at livniconsulting.com
Mon Feb 6 15:06:31 PST 2006
Thanks to both of you for the prompt responses. I am going w/centroids,
and am liking PostGIS more and more.
Bill Binko wrote:
> Ack Small error below
> Here's the correct select:
> select a.name, sum(p.area) as parcel_area
> from polygons a, parcels p
> where a.the_geom && Centroid(p.the_geom)
> and contains(a.the_geom, Centroid(p.the_geom))
> group by a.name
> order by parcel_area;
> Bill Binko wrote:
>> You absolutely need GiST indexes for this to run effectively.
>> Two additional things you could do for both sanity and performance:
>> 1) Run the query on Centroids instead of actual areas. You can do
>> this two ways, but in addition to being faster, it is actually more
>> accurate since your parcels will only fall within one of your polygons.
>> a) Create a separate table or column that holds the results of the
>> Centroid() function
>> b) Easier: Create a functional index like so:
>> CREATE INDEX cent_idx on parcels USING GIST (Centroid(the_geom)
>> Then you would write the query below as:
>> select a.name, sum(p.area) as parcel_area
>> from polygons a, parcels p
>> where a.the_geom && Centroid(p.the_geom)
>> and contains(a.the_geom, p.the_geom)
>> group by a.name
>> order by parcel_area;
>> 2) If this is your main use for the tables, you can try ordering your
>> data by Clustering: read the archives of this list for a long
>> discussion on whether or not it actually helps (but it does :)
>> CLUSTER cent_idx on parcels;
>> Hope this helps
>> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>> Josh,
>>> select a.name, sum(p.area) a parcel_area
>>> from polygons a, parcels p
>>> where a.the_geom && p.the_geom
>>> and intersects(a.the_geom, p.the_geom)
>>> group by a.name
>>> order by parcel_area;
>>> There is not much more you can do to make this faster. If parcels can
>>> overlap polygons and you want only the part of the parcel that is in
>>> the polygon then you will want the intersection of the two and then
>>> you will need to compute the area for the intersection, etc.
>>> -Steve W.
>>> Josh Livni wrote:
>>>> I am fairly inexperienced with optimizing spatial queries in
>>>> PostGIS, and am trying to do something similar to the example
>>>> in the documentation at
>>>> http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ch04.html
>>>> It notes that this will be slow due to summarizing. I have over
>>>> 500k parcels, and I'd like to do some summary stats in each of about
>>>> 15k polygons.
>>>> My question is, could the example mentioned above become faster if
>>>> it took better advantage of the gist indices? or is it already?
>>>> How would I go about adding some kind of 'AND the_geom && (bbox of
>>>> m.geom)' to the WHERE clause?
>>>> Thanks for any hints,
>>>> -Josh
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