[postgis-users] insert into a geometry field from 4gl

Fay Du fay.du at versaterm.com
Wed Feb 22 09:33:56 PST 2006

Hi all:
I have to insert from 4gl to a postgresql database. What I did in
postGIS is:
INSERT INTO gps_log (uid, geom_pt) values ('test1',
geomfromtext('POINT(1870391 320462)',-1));
    It works perfect.
In 4gl,  I did followings:
  -- initialize insert into gps log table cursor
   LET sql_stmt = "INSERT INTO gps_log  (uid,geom_pt) Values (?,?)"
   PREPARE insert_gps_tb FROM sql_stmt
LET Uid="test"
LET gps_point = "geomfromtext('POINT(1870391 320462)',-1)"
EXECUTE insert_gps_tb USING uid, gps_point
I got error -6372.
 Thanks in advance for any help
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