[postgis-users] HTML output

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Tue Jan 24 08:25:19 PST 2006

Yes, this is true... but it's PostgreSQL, the database, that has this 
option, not PostGIS, a plugin to PostgreSQL that spatially enables the 
database - that is, allows you to store geometry objects.

See (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/app-psql.html) - In 
particular, the \H and \pset options from psql, PostgreSQL's 
command-line client application.
Basically, after typing \H and setting the appropriate variables with 
\pset, all output is wrapped with html tags. Or use the -H option when 
launching psql. You could also use the -c option to send a query to the 
database and pipe the results to a file or wherever you choose. After 
that, it's up to your creativity to do something useful with the results :)


Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:

> Hi list,
> I just receive a message that PostGIS does have a function that send 
> an output in html format. Is it true ? Could someone tell me how this 
> process occurs ?
> Sincerely...

Kevin Neufeld,
Refractions Research Inc.,
kneufeld at refractions.net
Phone: (250) 383-3022 
Fax:   (250) 383-2140 

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