[postgis-users] Help Clustering Points

Josh Livni josh at livniconsulting.com
Fri Jul 7 13:55:23 PDT 2006


If you search 
for clustering, you'll see a thread on 'clustering' of points -- A few 
respondents had specific methods that might work for you.

I tried using the interleaving idea Steven mentioned in a Google Maps 
implentation and it worked nicely.

In my earlier email to you I think I mentioned that thread -- is there a 
reason one of these two ideas looks like it wouldn't work?


Martín Andrés Márquez wrote:
> I have a spatial SQL query that for a given number of parameters one is 
> a poligon that should contain the points and other atributes of the 
> point (for example timestamp). In need to divide these points 
> (potentially the number of points returned could be very high) in some 
> fixed number of clusters.
> Any help on how should I do this?
> -- 
> Martín Andrés Márquez
> "No wonder you can't do it, you acquiesce to defeat before you even begin."
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