[postgis-users] polygons with holes

Emilia Venturato venturato at faunalia.it
Thu Jun 1 06:49:51 PDT 2006

there are someone who know how work in Postgis with polygons with holes?
I imported shapefile through GRASS in PostGIS and I had polygons with holes 
that are not valid (isvalid()=false).
If I check validity I has this message:
NOTICE:  Ring Self-intersection

if I try to select, for example:
select a.*, b.the_geom from table a join table b on a.eco_code=b.eco_code;

I have:
Segmentation fault

Someone can help me?

Emilia Venturato
email+jabber: venturato at faunalia.it
Tel: (+39) 347-2770007 Tel+Fax: (+39) 0587-213742
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy

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