[postgis-users] Installation postGIS1.1.2

Stüwe Rolf Rolf.Stuewe at stadt.wuppertal.de
Tue Jun 13 01:31:11 PDT 2006


I got it, OK

1.  "make distclean" instead of "make clean"
2.  the path in ./configure was  --with-pgsql=/usr1/postgres/pgsql_814/bin/pg_config
    instead of  --with-pgsql=/usr1/src/postgres/postgresql-8.1.4/src/bin/pg_config/pg_config

thank you


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] Im Auftrag von Frank Koormann
Gesendet: Montag, 12. Juni 2006 15:59
An: PostGIS Users Discussion
Betreff: [Spam:medium] Re: [Spam:medium] Re: [postgis-users] Installation postGIS1.1.2

* Stüwe Rolf <Rolf.Stuewe at stadt.wuppertal.de> [060612 15:18]:
> I think it i sa problem with the paths:
> the configure of postgres is :
> LDFLAGS=-lstdc++  ./configure --prefix=/usr1/postgres/pgsql_814  
> --without-zlib and all paths are correct in the log-files
> (I want to install in /usr1/postgres/pgsql_814 instead of /usr/local)
> the configure if postGIS is:
> ./configure  
> --with-pgsql=/usr1/src/postgres/postgresql-8.1.4/src/bin/pg_config/pg_
> config

This should be 

./configure  --with-pgsql=/usr1/postgres/pgsql_814/bin/pg_config

> the path from postGIS is not ...pgsql_814 but ...pgsql814. This is the 
> path of a former compilation, but it is not actual, I did the next compilation with ...pgsql_814  and did a "make clean" before and removed the old, wrong directory.
> Where can postGIS remembered the older, wrong path

make clean only removes some interim files. You should issue a "make distclean"

Best regards,


Frank Koormann                             <frank.koormann at intevation.de>
 Professioneller Service um Freie Software        (http://intevation.de/)
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