[postgis-users] Experimental handling of Topology exceptions

strk at refractions.net strk at refractions.net
Fri Mar 3 07:19:03 PST 2006

Hi all, we've been working on a workaround for TopologyExceptions
thrown during the GEOS-implemented overlay operations:
	- intersection
	- union
	- difference
	- symdifference

Most of the time exceptions are thrown due to invalid inputs, but
sometimes the input is valid and the cause is a too high precision.

It's hard to track these cases down as a simple 'text' dump usually
reduces the precision enough for the testcases to succeed.

I currently have only two testcases that do trigger Topology
exceptions from valid input.
Any additional case will help testing the new experimental code.

So, if you get an exception, and your input is valid, please
provide the smallest dataset that can be used to reproduce
the exception. 

Thank you.


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