[postgis-users] JtsBinaryWriter and SRIDs
P.Rizzi Ag.Mobilità Ambiente
paolo.rizzi at ama-mi.it
Mon Mar 27 04:25:24 PST 2006
Hi list,
I started using the JtsBinaryWriter class (and its counterpart
to write JTS Geometries (and read them) to (from) Postgis.
Inside JtsBinaryWriter the SRID to write is taken from
instead of geom.getSRID().
This probably makes sense in most cases, but not always.
While it's true that it's better to have geometries with uniform SRIDs
inside a Postgis table,
I don't think it's "strictly" mandatory and it should be already checked by
on the table itself.
Anyway I run into this problem because I'm reading geometries from Oracle
and writing
them to Postgis (and viceversa for that matter). The SRID we use is coded as
3003 (EPSG)
inside Postgis and as 82087 (Oracle) inside Oracle, but they actually are
the very same thing,
so I have no need to do any expensive transformation on the geometries, just
set the SRID code.
I can set the SRID of the geometry instances, but not the one of their
factory and,
since JtsBinaryWriter uses the one from the factory, I cannot change it.
I will workaround this, but I believe JtsBinaryWriter should use
geom.getSRID() instead,
or at least it should be configurable.
Paolo Rizzi
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