R: R: [postgis-users] JtsBinaryWriter and SRIDs

P.Rizzi Ag.Mobilità Ambiente paolo.rizzi at ama-mi.it
Mon Mar 27 09:20:57 PST 2006

Hi Markus,
I had an answer from David Zwiers of JTS about their OraWriter
(that's similar to JtsBinaryWriter but for Oracle).

They have a new version of it in their CVS that uses geom.getSRID() 
instead of geom.getFactory().getSRID(), so that seems to be the right

You can find our messages in JTS-devel with this subject:
	"OraWriter and SRIDs"

I attach my patched version of JtsBinaryWriter. Feel free to do whatever
you want with it. Or you can follow what they did with OraWriter.
			Bye		Paolo

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