[postgis-users] displaying a specific extent of the map
simflex at millenniumhealthproducts.com
Fri May 26 05:49:50 PDT 2006
hi Mark,
I don't believe that sql server is the problem.
Rather these 2 code snips:
function zoomToExt ent(box) {
box_array = box.split(" ");
minx = box_array[0]*1;
miny = box_array[1]*1;
maxx = box_array[2]*1;
maxy = box_array[3]*1;
width = (maxx - minx) + 200;
height = maxy - miny;
centerx = minx + (width / 2.0);
centery = miny + (height / 2.0);
lonlatPt = map.mcsToLonLat(centerx, centery);
lon = lonlatPt.getX();
lat = lonlatPt.getY();
map.zoomWidth(lat, lon, width, 'FT');
First of all, I am getting an error on the following lines:
lonlatPt = map.mcsToLonLat(centerx, centery);
lon = lonlatPt.getX();
lat = lonlatPt.getY();
map.zoomWidth(lat, lon, width, 'FT');
If I remove them, then the following don't do anything at all:
Not sure what I am doing wrong here.
-----Original message-----
From: "Mark Cave-Ayland" m.cave-ayland at webbased.co.uk
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 10:49:21 -0400
To: "'PostGIS Users Discussion'" postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
Subject: RE: [postgis-users] displaying a specific extent of the map
> PostGIS is a spatial extension for PostgreSQL (http://www.postgresql.org
> ) rather than MS-SQL Server. I'd suggest you
> need to ask on either an MS-SQL or an ASP/Javascript coding site for help,
> but without more information it's impossible to determine exactly what the
> problem you're experiencing is.
> Kind regards,
> Mark.
> ------------------------
> WebBased Ltd
> 17 Research Way
> Plymouth
> PL6 8BT
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> From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of simflex
> Sent: 25 May 2006 14:16
> To: postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
> Subject: [postgis-users] displaying a specific extent of the map
> Greetings all,
> First time user of this forum.
> We use a sql server db to store data including x, y values. and using ASP on
> the front end to retrieve data
> Currently, we are do have a summary report laid out thus:
> incident id first name last name incident type, incident location
> 1 John Doe vehicular amber
> street
> ...
> ...
> Our issue arises because we want to be able to click on incident id to zoom
> directly to the extent of the map where the incident occurred.
> so far, we are struggling with this. any ideas would greatly appreciated.
> Here is what we have got so far:
> function zoomToExt ent(box) {
> box_array = box.split(" ");
> minx = box_array[0]*1;
> miny = box_array[1]*1;
> maxx = box_array[2]*1;
> maxy = box_array[3]*1;
> width = (maxx - minx) + 200;
> height = maxy - miny;
> centerx = minx + (width / 2.0);
> centery = miny + (height / 2.0);
> lonlatPt = map.mcsToLonLat(centerx, centery);
> lon = lonlatPt.getX();
> lat = lonlatPt.getY();
> map.zoomWidth(lat, lon, width, 'FT');
> }
> Set cn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
> nID = Request("RecordID")
> 'response.write nID
> 'response.end
> cn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};" & _
> "Server=haoi;" & _
> "Address=haoi,1433;" & _
> "Network=DBMSSOCN;" & _
> "Database=incidentsDB;" & _
> "Uid=sa;" & _
> "Pwd="
> SQL = "select incident_LOC, id,minlat,minlon,maxlat,maxlon from Incidents
> where id =" & nID
> Set rs = cn.Execute( SQL )
> 'response.write SQL
> 'response.end
> %>
> cnt = 0
> Do Until cur.EOF
> cnt = cnt + 1
> incidentlocation = cur(0).Value
> recnum = CLng(cur(1).Value)
> ileft = CLng(cur(2).value) - 250
> ibottom = CLng(cur(3).Value) - 250
> iright = CLng(cur(4).Value) + 250
> itop = CLng(cur(5).Value) + 250
> ; tan = ileft & " " & ibottom & " " & iright & " " & itop
> %>
> false;" href="#">
> cur.MoveNext
> Loop
> %>
> if cnt = 0 Then
> %>
> No results
> End If
> rs.Close()
> cn.Close()
> %>
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