[postgis-users] Correct dump and restore

Stefan Schwarzer stefan.schwarzer at grid.unep.ch
Mon Nov 13 01:51:30 PST 2006

> You have both:
> 	/usr/local/bin/psql
> and
> 	/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql
> The former doesn't work, the latter does.
> When exporting your PATH you *append* /usr/local/pgsql/bin to
> the existing $PATH, which likely includes /usr/local/bin.
> Try *prepending* it instead:
> export PATH="/usr/local/pgsql/bin:$PATH"
> Also, check with 'which psql' to make sure the correct one is being
> foundn (bash keeps known binaries in an hash, you can clean it up  
> using
> 'hash -r')
> --strk;

Great, that seemed to be it! Thanks a lot!

I now have this command (with an encoding param):

schwarzer$ sh temp/downloads/postgis-1.1.6/utils/postgis_restore.pl / 
usr/local/pgsql/share/contrib/lwpostgis.sql geodataportal_utf8 temp/ 
dump_geodataportal_utf8_2006-11-13.sql --encoding=UTF_8 > restore.log

It gives me the following notice & erros. Anything serious  
(especially with the errors at the bottom)?

NOTICE:  type "histogram2d" is not yet defined
DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
NOTICE:  argument type histogram2d is only a shell
NOTICE:  type "spheroid" is not yet defined
DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
NOTICE:  argument type spheroid is only a shell
NOTICE:  type "geometry" is not yet defined
DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
NOTICE:  argument type geometry is only a shell
NOTICE:  return type geometry is only a shell
NOTICE:  argument type geometry is only a shell
NOTICE:  type "box3d" is not yet defined
DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
NOTICE:  argument type box3d is only a shell
NOTICE:  type "chip" is not yet defined
DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
NOTICE:  argument type chip is only a shell
NOTICE:  type "box2d" is not yet defined
DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
NOTICE:  argument type box2d is only a shell
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index  
"spatial_ref_sys_pkey" for table "spatial_ref_sys"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index  
"geometry_columns_pk" for table "geometry_columns"
ERROR:  language "plpgsql" already exists
ERROR:  could not access file "$libdir/liblwgeom.so.1.1": No such  
file or directory
ERROR:  function public.affine(geometry, double precision, double  
precision, double precision, double precision, double precision,  
double precision, double precision, double precision, double  
precision, double precision, double precision, double precision) does  
not exist

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