[postgis-users] Probelm with postgis-pg81-setup-1.1.6-1 in XP

Tomas Lanczos lanczos at t-zones.sk
Tue Nov 14 01:34:56 PST 2006

Hi Mark,

thanks for Your answer

> Hi Tomas,
> It sounds as if you didn't remove the version of PostGIS 
> supplied by the PostgreSQL 8.1 installer before running the 
> standalone installer from the Refractions website (this is 
> mentioned at the top of the Windows download page in the 
> section marked "Important"), but it's difficult to tell 
> without the error log.

Yes of course, it was the first I did!

> For peace of mind, it may be worth uninstalling PostGIS from 
> the PostgreSQL installer and the 1.1.6 installer, and then 
> reinstalling just the 1.1.6 installer (you will get a warning 
> about the template database already existing but it should be 
> safe to ignore it).

I did it before I wrote this mail, at least twice. At the moment, when I run
the Postgresql installer it shows that the Postgis is not installed. How can
I check what version of Postgis I have?



> Kind regards,
> Mark.
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