[postgis-users] Eliminate duplicate points with nearest neighbor

PICKERING, Jason pickeringj at who.int
Wed Oct 25 09:45:02 PDT 2006

Hi, I am new to PostGIS and was wondering if anyone could offer advice
on the following problem. 

I have a point dataset in PostGIS and I would like to identify points
which are potential duplicates. The dataset contains points collected in
various surveys with GPS units. Each point also has a name, however,
sometimes the names are spelled slightly differently. Using soundex has
helped to narrow the potential duplicate points a bit, but because many
of the names are not in English, its utility is pretty limited. So, I
would like to identify each points nearest neighbor whose soundex value
is equal to another point. The point being trying to identify points
that are close to each other and whose names are approximately alike. 

Any advice would be much appreciated. 

Jason Pickering

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