[postgis-users] PostGIS functionality on non DB types

Markus Schaber schabi at logix-tt.com
Wed Sep 6 03:10:30 PDT 2006

Hi, Tom,

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:

> I haven't looked close enough, but are those functions imported by way
> of compilation against those libs, or is there an actual code port in
> PostGIS?  I'm asking mainly for JTS, as I have compiled PostGIS with the
> geos libs.

Geos is a C++ port of JTS. There is experimental support of compiling
PostGIS against a GCJ-compiled JTS (aka libjts). Strk can possibly tell
more about it.

> I guess my main question is, are all the spatial functions in PostGIS
> (buffer, distance) derived from building with geos?  Or are there any
> which are native in the PostGIS code?

There are only a few functions that are implemented native, but all of
them should be implemented in (or easily implementable on top of) GEOS /
JTS already.

The PostGIS code is highly specific to the PostgreSQL environment (which
uses its own memory allocators etc.), so using it will be not straight
forward altogether.

> I guess I just want to be sure before jumping on the geos bandwagon (and
> start bothering those email lists :)

If you're in a C/C++ world, I think that GEOS is the way to go.

If CLI (.NET/Mono/.GNU) is an option for you,
http://nts.sourceforge.net/ has a .NET port of JTS (or it may even
compile straight using J# or the ikvm static compiler).


Markus Schaber | Logical Tracking&Tracing International AG
Dipl. Inf.     | Software Development GIS

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