[postgis-users] execute 'alter table' won't work

Peter Bange bange at argoss.nl
Wed Apr 18 05:15:36 PDT 2007

Hi Mark,

Thank you for your quick reply. I already had the 'raise notice' you  
suggested in the code.
But what I found out now, is that when I drop all the code from 'end  
loop' the code works fine ! So as a work around I have split the  
routine in two parts ...., and that works. But this is rather  
mysterious to me, but maybe clear for you.

Regards, Peter

The complete code is:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION afn_check_atb_comp1
   RETURNS text AS

--	This routine
--	1) checks if all pollutants described in atb_pollutants are  
present as columns
--	in atb_compositions. If not, they will be added. Columns are never  
dropped, so changing
--	a name in atb_pollutants will only result in adding a column.
--	2) updates all the 'others' fields when units are percentages

--	created bng april 2007

	rec record;
	strSQL text;
	strFields text;
	strSep text;
	intStrange int;


--	Init
	strFields = '';
	strSep = '';
	for rec in select shortname from atb_pollutants loop
	--	loop over pollutants
			if rec.shortname <> 'others' then
				strFields = strFields || strSep || rec.shortname;
				strSep = ' + ';
			end if;
			strSQL = 'alter table atb_compositions add column ' ||  
rec.shortname || ' real';
			raise notice '%', strSQL;
			execute strSQL;
			raise notice '... added';
			when duplicate_column then
			--	take next
			raise notice '... already existing';
	end loop;

	strSQL = 'update atb_compositions set others = 100 - (' || strFields  
|| ') where units = ' || quote_literal('percentage');
	-- strSQL = 'update atb_compositions set others = 100 - (' ||  
strFields || ') ';
	-- raise notice '%', strSQL;
	execute strSQL;

--	Check the percentages found
	strSQL = 'select count(*) from atb_compositions where units = ' ||  
quote_literal('percentage') || ' and (others < 0 or others is null)';
	execute strSQL into intStrange;
	if intStrange = 1 then
		raise exception 'One percentage is not ok, check atb_compositions.';
		return '(Done with remarks)';
	elseif intStrange > 1 then
		raise exception '% percentages are not ok, check  
atb_compositions.', trim(to_char(intStrange,'9999'));
		return '(Done with remarks)';
		return '(Done)';
	end if;
   LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

> Hi Peter,
> Have you tried outputting the statement actually being executed, e.g.:
> ...
> ...
> strSQL = 'alter table atb_compositions add column ' ||  
> rec.shortname ||
> ' real';
> raise notice 'sql: %', strSQL;
> execute strSQL;
> ...
> ...
> Also you haven't given the complete code for the stored procedure -  
> for
> example, you may have specified incorrect variable types in the  
> section or incorrect parameter definitions in the function declaration
> itself.
> Kind regards,
> Mark.
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