[postgis-users] Data types in POSTGIS

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon Apr 23 14:07:22 PDT 2007

Doli wrote:
> Hallo I have a scholl work, and I need to analyze a data types used 
> in postgis to work with GIS data, I mean data types for point, line, 
> polygon atc. I think that the "geotype" point is declared as a struct
>  with two int variables, which represents x and y coordinates. But
> I´m not sure. Shall I explore the source code, and search how are 
> "geotypes" declared? Do you have any advice for me?

I believe you should start with PostGIS manual first:


and with OGC Simple Feature Specification


to explore structure of geometries used in PostGIS.

Mateusz Loskot

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