[postgis-users] Re: PostGIS 2.0 Wishlist (Paul Ramsey)

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Wed Apr 25 22:40:36 PDT 2007

Every function is documented in the reference section, but the  
semantics of how to use them, or some tutorial examples, would help  
people a lot. Thinks like line and polygon building, for example.

On 24-Apr-07, at 10:45 PM, Galen wrote:

> Paul, I read through the PG 2.0 wishlist and it looks sweet! At the  
> very bottom you casually mention documenting a bunch of  
> undocumented features - are they in current releases or waiting for  
> the 2.0 release? If they're in the current release, is there even a  
> simple function name list somewhere?
> I'm not very familiar with writing PostGres functions, but is it  
> possible to cover a lot of the uncertainty of the Geodetic Magic  
> section by allowing users to optionally input the SRID they want to  
> do the magic with or using -1 as a "magic" default? So something  
> like distance(<the_geom>, <the_geom>) or distance(<the_geom>,  
> <the_geom>, <srid>) would work. I like the concept of a dynamically  
> chosen UTM zone for buffer (and we would use it), by the way.
> Sincerely,
> Galen Ward  |  ShackPrices.com  |  Founder  |  206.801.1959
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