[postgis-users] Remove a geometry from a multi feature

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Aug 15 11:57:31 PDT 2007

Stephen Crawford wrote:
> All,
> I have a multipolygon feature that has 12 parts, a couple of which are
> "bad".  How can I remove just these geometries and keep the rest as one
> multi feature?  The bad ones are hundreds of miles away from the "good"
> ones, so I would like to do something like "remove all geomtries from
> feature x that are outside of bounding box (xy,xy)."

Basically you can not edit an existing object. The way to solve this 
problem is to deconstruct the multipolygon in a set of polygons and 
filter out the ones you want to exclude and then multi the remaining 
objects back into a multipolygon and store it where ever.

-Steve W

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