[postgis-users] Local time at (x,y)

Per-Olof Norén pelle at alma.nu
Tue Dec 11 08:46:07 PST 2007


Assuming your coordinates match, I suppose you could load a layer 
containing time zone data into postgis from somthing like
http://openmap.bbn.com/data/shape/timezone/ (Haven't looked at possible 
licences of that data though)
You could then use one of the postgis spatial operators to find 
overlapping or nearby countries and retrieve their timezone offset and 
retreievethe time using the date and time functions of PostgreSQL.

Anyways, just a thought.


Nelson Correia skrev:
> Hi,
> I want to know the date and time at a specific location, represented by a
> pair of coordinates.
> Is there any way to convert a pair of coordinates to a timezone? Or directly
> obtain the local time at the coordinates that I specify?

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