[postgis-users] shp2pgsql problem with Leopard
david.techer at davidgis.fr
david.techer at davidgis.fr
Sun Dec 30 09:08:08 PST 2007
Hi David,
Did U try to specify a table name
shp2pgsql <your/options> <path/to/shapefile> <table> |psql ...
Quoting David Garbin <dgarbin at verizon.net>:
> I am using PostgreSQL/Postgis with Leopard using the latest Kyng Chaos
> binaries. Everything appears to be working well except shp2pgsql.
> When I try to load a shapefile, it just gives me the help screen (see
> below):
> [Big-Mac:~] dgarbin% /usr/local/pgsql/bin/shp2pgsql -D -s 4269 -i -I
> /Users/dgarbin/grass/Shapefiles/dtl_cnty.shp dgarbin.dtl_cnty |
> /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -d networx
> RCSID: $Id: shp2pgsql.c 2717 2007-11-23 10:42:09Z mcayland $ RELEASE: 1.3.2
> USAGE: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/shp2pgsql [<options>] <shapefile>
> [<schema>.]<table>
> -s <srid> Set the SRID field. If not specified it defaults to -1.
> (-d|a|c|p) These are mutually exclusive options:
> -d Drops the table, then recreates it and populates
> it with current shape file data.
> -a Appends shape file into current table, must be
> exactly the same table schema.
> -c Creates a new table and populates it, this is the
> default if you do not specify any options.
> -p Prepare mode, only creates the table.
> -g <geometry_column> Specify the name of the geometry column
> (mostly useful in append mode).
> -D Use postgresql dump format (defaults to sql insert statments.
> -k Keep postgresql identifiers case.
> -i Use int4 type for all integer dbf fields.
> -I Create a GiST index on the geometry column.
> -S Generate simple geometries instead of MULTI geometries.
> -w Use wkt format (for postgis-0.x support - drops M - drifts
> coordinates).
> -W <encoding> Specify the character encoding of Shape's
> attribute column. (default : "ASCII")
> -N <policy> Specify NULL geometries handling policy (insert,skip,abort)
> -? Display this help screen
> [Big-Mac:~] dgarbin%
> There seems to be a problem reading parameters. If I just specify the
> -? option, it says "No match".
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