[postgis-users] PostGIS GUI for "admins"

Sylvain Desmoulière sylvain at inpa.gov.br
Mon Feb 5 05:49:36 PST 2007

Hi Marc, 
mezogis may be something like you are looking for


Le lundi 5 février 2007 09:16, Marc Compte a écrit :
> Hi list,
> I have been searching for a while for an application that would let me
> display the contents of my PostGIS databases. I have seen uDig does the
> job very well, as well as some other open source software out there, but
> there's still one funcionality I'm looking for and I haven't found it
> anywhere.
> Seeing how interesting and powerful are the geographic functions that we
> can use on SQL expressions, I have been looking for an admin application
> that lets me type my SQL (as in pgAdmin for PostgreSQL) and shows me the
> resulting table as well as the resulting map.
> So far, I've seen applications that show maps out of entire tables and
> let you filter individual tables as well, but on these applications I
> have never found a place where I could type my entire geoSQL expression
> and get a map out of it.
> Something a bit like http://sigserver4.udg.es/doctorat/postgis ... but
> obviously ... a bit more well thought.
> My biggest aim would be to have it as a tool for myself to be able to do
> tests on my databases but I also want to use something like this to
> teach our students about PostGIS, thus having a graphic drawing of the
> SQL queries would help them a lot to visualize the meaning of the SQL.
> Does anyone know if there is such thing somewhere?
> Thanks in advance,
> Marc
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