[postgis-users] Dump, Restore and Users

Stefan Schwarzer stefan.schwarzer at grid.unep.ch
Tue Feb 6 04:53:04 PST 2007


another headache for me is the problem of having different users and  
user rights on different machines. Whatever I do, it doesn't work.  
It's such a "mess" that I can't even really explain what approaches I  
tried to solve the problem...

In principal it's pretty easy (working on Mac):

	1) I am (UNIX) user "schwarzer" on my machine
	2) the Postgres database (with its tables) belongs to user "xyz"

But then the problem:

	1) As far as I understand, the Postgis part must be installed by a  
	2) I created a Mac-User with the name "xyz" (who has as well admin  
	3) I entered the following command: sh postgis_restore.pl  
lwpostgis.sql new_database pgdump_old_database.sql

Then, I get the following message:

	pg_restore: [archiver] could not open input file: Permission denied

The, I tried it with a "sudo sh...." and got this:

	createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL:  role  
"root" does not exist


Any help is very much appreciated!

Thanks a lot!

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