[postgis-users] Base map project?

Randy George rkgeorge at cadmaps.com
Tue Feb 13 07:26:53 PST 2007


	Yes that is the goal of OGC specifications to allow data producers
to expose data sets in a standard manner (however decentralized). I believe
topp/sigma has done work making TIGER data available as a WMS. TIGER Line is
easy but cleaning up the census polygons extracted from TIGER is more of a

	Also the Census Bureau continues future plans to make their data
accessible through OGC services.

As I recall, though, the Census Bureau has been involved with OWS since
2002. The wheels of government grind slowly but fine.


-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Webb
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 4:58 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: [postgis-users] Base map project?

Is there a project anywhere to provide good, curated, downloadable
geographic base data and metadata for postgis databases?   (I don't
mean a list of links, like the Oregon GIS clearinghouse -- this is
useful, but not as powerful or centralized as I am thinking).

It might be really cool to (1) come up with a standardized approach
and (2) make the data available and discoverable through Postgres'
dblink (possibly using Slony for scalability). It would be great, for
example, to be able to reference a TIGER dataset in this way, and only
manage my own smaller layers in house.

I am kind of volunteering to help with this, but I don't think I can lead

There would obviously be problems as the protocol or the data changed,
especially if someone uses a dblink'ed view and suddenly the data
underneath changes.  This would just be something to adress...

Thoughts from anyone?  I guess we would need to write a protocol, keep
it updated, and then deal with the data.

Cheers, and thanks for indulging my rambling.
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