[postgis-users] Points or boundaries more efficient for querying?

Guido Lemoine guido.lemoine at jrc.it
Wed Feb 14 00:31:41 PST 2007


If tile boundaries are implicit (i.e. fixed by your choice of tiling grid
and spacing), there is no need to store and or query tile outlines at all.
Have a look at how WorldWind, Google and Virtual Earth do this. VE
is actually VERY cool at this (cooler than GE!). They even provide the

I came across some OSgeo specs on this as well
Thinking about implementing this sometime soon.


Nick Bower wrote:

>We have large quantities of satellite metadata that we will reduce to a
>set of standard tiles covering a large global region of interest.  We
>are doing this because storing the data at native resolution will mean
>an enormous amount of irregularly located data to query later.
>We are to spatially query the data; eg give me the tile corresponding to
>my location, and then, give me records for this location corresponding
>to my metadata criteria (ok normally this would be a join on a single
>query I guess).
>So what, is the most efficent way to represent the geometry information
>(the tiles); as centre points or tile boundaries?  I initially thought
>points and queries using minimum distance would be least redundant, but
>then the rtree documentation seemed to point to using regions,
>boundaries and contains/intersects type queries would lead to better
>index performance.  Is this the case?  The tiles will of course be
>regular and adjacent.
>Ta, Nick


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