[postgis-users] satellite data (MODIS) into PostgreSQL - PostGIS database as points or grids?

Jan.Verbesselt at csiro.au Jan.Verbesselt at csiro.au
Tue Feb 20 16:32:07 PST 2007

Hi all,

After searching the mail archives and postGIS website I didn't find the
right answer to my questions.

1/Does anyone have experience on how I could import HDFEOS (MODIS)
satellite data in a database system efficiently? Currently, I would
transform the hdf files to ascii files via IDL an import these into the

2/Should the data be stored as points (X,Y,value) or can they be
imported as a raster in the database such that spatial and temporal
analysis is still possible (visualisation via R, openGIS progs etc.). 

Or as I found in the mail archives; Should we online create a path (link
to the data) to the hdf files and store this in the database?

All related info, examples, advice is mostly welcome,

Kind regards,


Jan Verbesselt
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Ensis - the joint forces of CSIRO and Scion
Private Bag 10
Clayton South VIC 3169 - Australia
Tel: ++ 61 3 9545 2265 
Fax: ++ 61 3 9545 2448

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