[postgis-users] AsKML function
Guido Lemoine
guido.lemoine at jrc.it
Mon Jan 8 02:12:59 PST 2007
I just saw that an asKML() function was added to the on-line postgis
manual (1.2.0).
In the release notes, there is no trace to when this was added.
Apparently not in 1.1.5. Does it require an upgrade to 1.2.0 (preferably
soft, but how?).
TECHER David wrote:
>I saw the link
>AsKML seems to be a great function in the future
>The code to do that seems to be like the code used for ASSVG()...
>The only question I ask myself is "Is the projection SRID fixed for 4326
><----> WGS84 GPS???"
>In the code of ASKML should be the srid to be fixed to 4326?
>Sorry for my bad English.
>Any idea?
>Thanks for any reply
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