[postgis-users] Transferring ArcSDE tables to PostGIS using FME

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Mon Jan 15 18:00:37 PST 2007

If "several" tables are in the millions of records, then it could  
take some hours, probably not all night though.  Transferring with  
FME is not as fast as some of the bulk-loading strategies available.   
A popular trick is to attach some triggers to the source tables to  
that they generate deltas as they are updated, then only transfer the  
deltas nightly.

On 15-Jan-07, at 12:18 PM, Brian Timoney wrote:

> I'm looking for information from those who have had experience  
> routinely copying ArcSDE tables to PostGIS using FME.  Specifically  
> I have a client mulling the feasibility of batch scheduling a  
> transfer of tables on a nightly basis.  While I've been told that's  
> a fairly straightforward process, some of the tables are large-ish  
> (e.g. a point file with 2 million records) and I don't have any  
> idea whether the transfer time would be in the minutes, tens of  
> minutes, or hours.  Of course I understand much of it depends on  
> hardware specs, but having a general sense of what orders of  
> magnitude we're talking would be helpful.
> Thanks,
> Brian
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