[postgis-users] Postgis upgrade

braas at steckelfisch.nl braas at steckelfisch.nl
Mon Jan 29 05:00:05 PST 2007


I'm trying to upgrade a postgis enabled data base
to a new version op postgres and postgis.

I've read the documentation, and it seems quite straight forward, so I'e
executed the attached command.

Thereby, I encouter some messages, of which I've included a small
selection. (i hope that solving these
messages resolves the remaining set also)

If I could be provide with a pointer to some aditional documentation, I
would be very pleased indeed.


old & new versions

    (running on Redhat)
    * postgres: 7.4.1
    * proj: 4.4.7
    * postgis: 0.8.0
    * mapserver: 4.0.1
    * gd: 2.0.20
    * gdal: 1.1.9
    * php: 4.3.4

    (Ubuntu 6.06)
    * postgres: 8.1.4
    * proj: 4.4.9.d2
    * postgis: 1.2.0
    * mapserver: 4.6.1
    * gd: 2.0.33
    * gdal: 1.2.6
    * php: 4.4.2

"Those who do not understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly."
-Henry Spencer
Hoornsedijk 1010
9728NG Groningen

"Those who do not understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly."
-Henry Spencer
Hoornsedijk 1010
9728NG Groningen
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