[postgis-users] Problem With Geometries and a View

Leonardo Mateo leonardomateo at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 05:47:36 PST 2007

Hi everyone, I have a problem trying select geometries from a view. It
raises an "Invalid Geometry' error.
What I'm doing is:
- Create a view from a table with several inner joins and generating
the POINTS in the select sentence, for example:
   create view geom as
	GeomFromText('POINT(' || datax.value || ' ' || datay.value || ')'),
    from record
    inner join schema on schema.objectid = record.schemaid
    inner join giscontrol on giscontrol.schemaid = schema.objectid
    inner join step on step.schemaid = schema.objectid
    inner join control on control.stepid = step.objectid and
control.islabel = true
    inner join data as datax on datax.recordid = record.recordid and
datax.controlid = giscontrol.xcontrolid
    inner join data as datay on datay.recordid = record.recordid and
datay.controlid = giscontrol.ycontrolid
    inner join data as label on label.recordid = record.recordid and
label.controlid = control.objectid
    where schema.ismain = true and record.datasetid = 515
    order by recordid;

 - Then check the view was created with the data I need:
   select * from geom;
  And results like these:

 Which look just fine.

 - Then I try to select the extent of these points with:
   select extent('the_geom') from geom;
  And I got this error:
  ERROR:  parse error - invalid geometry

The weird thing is that if I insert that SELECT sentence into another
table and create a view from that table with something like this:
    create view geom as Select * from <newtable>

The extent is selected properly.

What am I doing wrong? It's driving me nuts.

Thanx a lot in advance.

Leonardo Mateo.
There's no place like ~

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