[postgis-users] You've found a bug!

Obe, Regina robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Tue Jul 17 12:42:23 PDT 2007

That's strange.  I never thought shape files ever supported geometry
collections.  Are you sure that last time you ran it maybe your collect
returned all multipoint or multipolygons  and now with a newer dataset
your have a mixed back resulting in one or more records being a
What happens when you replace collect with geomunion?


From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 3:03 PM
To: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'
Subject: [postgis-users] You've found a bug!

Running pgsql2shp with the following query on a tiger lkA table, I get a
notice that I've found a bug :-)  This query worked with 8.1.


"select coalesce(fedirp || ' ', '') || fename || coalesce(' ' || fetype,
'') || coalesce(' ' || fedirs, '') as name, case when substring(fename,
'(Old)') is not null then null else substring(fename,
[:space:]]R|Sr|Co|Carretera|St[[:space:]]Rt|C Rd|Co
R|County[[:space:]]Route|Cr-?)+[[:space:]]?([[:digit:]]+)') end  as
hwy_num, cfcc,
transform(simplify(segmentize(transform(collect(the_geom), 1000000), 1),
3), 4326) as the_geom from TGR01001 where substring(cfcc,
'(A[456789])+') is not null group by cfcc, hwy_num, fedirp, fename,
fetype, fedirs order by cfcc desc"  

Preparing table for user query... Done.

Initializing... type 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION' is not Supported at this time.

The DBF file will be created but not the shx or shp files.

You've found a bug! (pgsql2shp.c:2869)






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