[postgis-users] How to implement a GUID
Klaus Förster
klaus.foerster at uibk.ac.at
Tue Jul 24 06:38:11 PDT 2007
Hi Milo,
why don't you use NEXTVAL() and CURRVAL() to gain more control over your
sequence while splitting up the temporary table:
INSERT INTO final_geom (SELECT NEXTVAL(seq1), the_geom FROM
INSERT INTO final_attrib (SELECT CURRVAL(seq1), the_attrib FROM
-- more to follow ...
is this what you're looking for?
Milo van der Linden wrote:
> Hello Mark,
> I am using your suggestion at this moment but the problem is as follows:
> I do an insert into the final_geom table which then uses a new id
> but;
> I need this id to do an insert into the final_attrib table!
> Basically what I want to do is:
> INSERT geom into table1 AND INSERT attrib1, attrib2, attrib3 into table2
> FROM temp_table.
> The resulting table1 and table2 need to have exactly the same ID.
> I was first thinking about building an id in my temp_table and then do
> the 2 insert; But..my temp table is constantly created automatically by
> ogr2ogr, so I (seem to) have no influence on it's structure.
> Mark Cave-Ayland schreef:
>> On Tue, 2007-07-24 at 12:49 +0200, Milo van der Linden wrote:
>>> Hello list!
>>> I have been thinking my head off trying to figure it out and
>>> documentation won't help me.
>>> Yesterday I recieved the tip to use a GUID as a database wide unique
>>> key. Well, I think it is the only option I have.
>>> I import a shape file into a temp table.
>>> >From this temp table is then insert the content into 2 other tables:
>>> final_attributes and final_geom
>>> Final_attributes should contain all the attribute fields plus a column
>>> to connect it to final_geom
>>> Final_geom should contain a column to connect to Final_attributes plus
>>> the_geom.
>>> Because Final_attributes is a table that also connects to other
>>> geom_tables; it needs a id that is unique over 3 or even more tables.
>>> If I can generate GUIDs with php, Is that a good option?
>>> Is there a way to use the geometry column to generate some sort of
>>> unique ID? I would also like to check if the geometry is unique within
>>> it's final_geom table!
>>> What datatype should I use to store the GUID?
>>> I cannot figure it out... please lend me a hand
>> Hi Milo,
>> Can you not just use a sequence to have a unique key across multiple
>> tables as suggested by Stephen? For example:
>> id int8 default nextval('seq1'),
>> the_geom geometry
>> );
>> id int8 default nextval('seq1'),
>> the_geom geometry
>> );
>> INSERT INTO t1 SELECT the_geom FROM geom_temp_table;
>> INSERT INTO t2 SELECT the_geom FROM geom_temp_table;
>> If you then do:
>> SELECT id FROM t1;
>> SELECT id FROM t2;
>> you should find that id is unique across both tables since they share
>> the same sequence.
>> Kind regards,
>> Mark.
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