[postgis-users] re:Problems with making own shape dumper

Mark Cave-Ayland mark.cave-ayland at ilande.co.uk
Fri Jun 15 03:01:06 PDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 13:31 +0400, дорофеев александр wrote:

> I took this shapefile (Arc) and uploaded it into postgis using standart shp2pgsql
> Then I  tryed to download this data into shapefile using my own dumper and I`ve got an error with spliting string on feature with FID=7. Then i dumped this geometry string into textfile and got this (brokenstring.txt)
> then i made biggeom.sql and run it in psql to see if a string will be broken  and all was fine
> The Developers said than it is a bug of ODBC driver. I checked this sugggestion by addind text field to postgis table and run such sql UPDATE testtable SET testfield=ASTEXT(the_geom) and the string in this field became broken (maybe not finished) on small objects the value of this field looked well 

Ok I've just done a test here on Linux and did the following:

shp2pgsql arc testtable -W LATIN1 > arc.sql
psql -d postgis -f arc.sql

Followed by:

SELECT astext(the_geom) FROM testtable where gid = 7;
SELECT astext(the_geom) FROM testtable;

(Both of these look fine)


ALTER TABLE testtable ADD COLUMN testfield text;
UPDATE testtable SET testfield = astext(the_geom);

SELECT testfield FROM testtable;

Everything looks fine here. Can you confirm that these steps give you
the problem? Also, which versions of PostGIS/PostgreSQL are you using?
Please send the output of:

SELECT version();
SELECT postgis_full_version();

Kind regards,


ILande - Open Source Consultancy

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