[postgis-users] optimize query

Pedro Doria Meunier pdoria at netmadeira.com
Fri Mar 9 08:04:01 PST 2007

Hi List,


I'm once again in need of guru advice. J


This is the query:


select freguesia, distance(geomfromtext('POINT(-9.1533
38.69686)',4326),f.geometry) as thedist 

from freguesias as f 

order by thedist 

limit 1;


as you can see it returns the closest polygon to a given point.


Problem: 4050 (**detailed**) polygons

exec time: 907 ms


The Gist index was created, btw.


Is there any way to optimize this query and avoid the dreaded seq scan?


Txs in advance!


Pedro Doria Meunier.



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