[postgis-users] a newbie question

Uwe Seher uwe.seher at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 21 03:31:42 PDT 2007

Am 21.03.2007, 11:22 Uhr, schrieb Gustavo Ces <g.ces at pettra.es>:

> Sorry about this question,
>     i want to create another table from selecting a previous one ( with  
> the_geom and gid)
> create table foo as select gid, the_geom, other_columns from  
> previous_table
> this query creates the table with the other columns, gid and geom but if  
> try to open it in a client, it fails.
> Which is the problem?
> Thanks,
> Galois


If you do it in this way, the geometry-column is not correct registered in  
the table geometry_columns. Maybe this is a problem.

Bye Uwe

ingenieurbüro kauppert

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