[postgis-users] Postgis 2.0: geodetic coordinates support

Nicolas Ribot nicky666 at gmail.com
Wed May 2 13:35:45 PDT 2007

> Dear Nicolas,
> Is it possible to have access to the entire document of this survey?
> Regards,


Yes, this survey, thank to the CNES, can be freely downloaded from
their website. It is only in french, but we are going to translate it
into english soon:


(basically, this survey focuses on the OGC SFSQL support in the 3
systems (4 in fact, as Spatial and Locator are treated as separated
systems), the main GIS functions (Spatial Reference Systems, index,
geometric types, operators and functions, ...), how to port spatial
queries between systems.
Spatial queries and systems functionnalities are summarize in spreadsheets
This is not a performance benchmark, though.)


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