[postgis-users] WKT parsers

Obe, Regina robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Sat May 19 02:16:36 PDT 2007

The only downside to the other formats aside from the WKB one is that PostGIS doesn't have comparable write back functions for those as we have for WKT (GeomFromText etc.).
But that's on our 2.0 wishlist for KML and GML at anyrate.  If we were to have an AsJSON it would be nice to have a comparable write back for that, although not sure if that is entirely necessary.


From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net on behalf of Paul Ramsey
Sent: Fri 5/18/2007 6:03 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] WKT parsers


If you have the opportunity, avoid parsing WKT and either (a) use an
internal postgis transform like AsSVG, AsGML, AsKML or (b) pull
text-based binary, and parse the WKB, which is a much more predictable
structure (using encode(asbinary(geom),'hex') ).

I guess my answer could be phrased as a question: what are you going to
do with the WKT once you parse it? Perhaps PostGIS needs another
representation function (I'm sure we'll have an AsJSON soon enough...)


Mark Fredrickson wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Can anyone point me to any WKT parsers? I'd prefer JavaScript and PHP
> implementations, but I'm not that picky. Hopefully, they'd have some
> regexs I could steal, er, borrow. :-)
> TIA,
> -Mark
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   Paul Ramsey
   Refractions Research
   http://www.refractions.net <http://www.refractions.net/> 
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   Phone: 250-383-3022
   Cell: 250-885-0632
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