[postgis-users] create a point fom lat/lon

Obe, Regina robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Wed May 30 16:08:09 PDT 2007

You have the lon and lat as part of your string so it wan't read the values.  Also POINT needs to be in upper case.
Try instead
update iter_rco_2005g
the_geom=geomfromtext('POINT(' || long || ' ' || lat || ')', 4326);

hope that helps,


From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net on behalf of Nahum Castro
Sent: Wed 5/30/2007 6:50 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: [postgis-users] create a point fom lat/lon

Hello all:

I have two columns lat and lon, from these columns I
want to create a point on the_geom column.

this is how i did

update iter_rco_2005g
the_geom=geomfromtext('point(lon lat)', 4326);


update iter_rco_2005g
the_geom=geomfromtext('point(lon, lat)', 4326);

lat an lon are in dd.

I get
ERROR:  Invalid OGC WKT (does not start with P,L,M or

here is a sample data
 mun | loc  |       lat        |       lon
 020 | 0001 | 21.1197222222222 | 101.680555555556
 020 | 0261 | 21.0405555555556 | 101.503888888889
 020 | 0262 | 21.0241666666667 | 101.714444444444
 020 | 0263 |            21.15 | 101.607777777778
 020 | 0264 | 21.1944444444444 | 101.530555555556
 020 | 0266 | 20.9416666666667 | 101.613888888889
 020 | 0267 | 21.0494444444444 |         101.6875
 020 | 0271 | 20.9941666666667 | 101.589722222222


Nahum Castro
Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico
http://www.leon-linux.com <http://www.leon-linux.com/> 
e-mail: pedro1_72 [en] yahoo [punto] com

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