[postgis-users] Intersection() error

Gustavo Martinez gumartin at mecon.gov.ar
Fri Nov 23 06:12:01 PST 2007


I am trying to calculate the area of the intersection of several polygons with 
the following query:

select idrectangulos, nro_rct, area(geom)/1000000 as total, 
area(st_intersection(geom,(select geom from zonas where cat=9)))/1000000 as 
area(st_intersection(geom,(select geom from zonas where cat=1)))/1000000 as 
area(st_intersection(geom,(select geom from zonas where cat=3)))/1000000 as 
area(st_intersection(geom,(select geom from zonas where cat=2)))/1000000 as 
from rectangulos

However, I got the following error:

NOTICE:  TopologyException: no outgoing dirEdge found 

ERROR:  GEOS Intersection() threw an error!

How can I handle this?


Lic. Gustavo Martínez
Gestión de Pesquerías
Sub Secretaría de Pesca de la Nación
Paseo Colón 982, Anexo Jardín Pesca
Tel: (54) 11 43492165
Buenos Aires, República Argentina

“Que la tierra se vaya haciendo camino ante tus pasos,
que el viento sople siempre a tus espaldas,
que el sol brille cálido sobre tu cara,
que la lluvia caiga suavemente sobre tus campos y,
hasta tanto volvamos a encontrarnos,
que Dios te lleve en la palma de su mano.”

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