[postgis-users] ERROR: GEOS difference() threw an error!

Andreas Laggner andreas.laggner at fal.de
Tue Oct 9 05:49:30 PDT 2007

can someone tell me what causes this Error?

ERROR: GEOS difference() threw an error!
SQL Status:XX000

the query:
INSERT INTO test_natura_full

    null as spa_name,null as spa_land,null as spa,null as spa_id,
    ST_Difference(ffh_singlerep.the_geom, test_natura_full.the_geom) As 
FROM ffh_singlerep INNER JOIN (SELECT ffh_id, ST_union(the_geom) As 
    FROM test_natura_full GROUP BY ffh_id) As test_natura_full ON 
ffh_singlerep.ffh_id = test_natura_full.ffh_id
    AND ST_Intersects(ffh_singlerep.the_geom, test_natura_full.the_geom)
WHERE ST_IsEmpty(ST_Difference(ffh_singlerep.the_geom, 
test_natura_full.the_geom)) = false
SELECT null as ffh_name,null as ffh_land,null as ffh,null as ffh_id,

    ST_Difference(spa_singlerep.the_geom, test_natura_full.the_geom) As 
FROM spa_singlerep INNER JOIN  (SELECT spa_id, ST_union(the_geom) As 
    FROM test_natura_full GROUP BY spa_id) As test_natura_full ON 
spa_singlerep.spa_id = test_natura_full.spa_id
    AND ST_Intersects(spa_singlerep.the_geom,test_natura_full.the_geom)
WHERE ST_IsEmpty(ST_Difference(spa_singlerep.the_geom, 
test_natura_full.the_geom)) = false;

I had no problems with a small dataset (15 and 4 polygons), here i have 
28000 and 1500 rows. All geometries are valid and singlepart Polygons.

Cheers      Andreas

Dipl. Geoökologe Andreas Laggner
Institut für Ländliche Räume (LR)
Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL)

Institute of Rural Studies
Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL)

Bundesallee 50
D-38116 Braunschweig

Tel.: (+49) (0)531 596 5515
Fax: (+49) (0)531 596 5599
E-mail: andreas.laggner at fal.de
Homepage: http://www.lr.fal.de/ 

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