[postgis-users] Hibernate Tools and PostGIS

Dave Potts dave.potts at pinan.co.uk
Wed Sep 5 14:06:39 PDT 2007

Norman Barker wrote:
> Hi,
> I have extended the postgis hibernate tools so that now when you reverse
> engineer a postgis database the entity pojos are marked up with custom
> geometry annotation (hibernate mapping) - this really wasn't hard and
> just amended an existing patch - this will go into Hibernate shortly.
> However I really need some direction now!
> We have in the spatial domain
> 1) Geometry persistence and table generation
> 2) Hibernate criteria queries
> 3) spatial dialect (so spatial object queries)
> The next logical step is to follow the JBoss seam generator examples and
> auto-generate a web app as this is similar to the existing toolset in
> hibernate tools.
> However I need to know what you want (if at all you are interested), is
> generating a web app (a la Rails) of use, or would you prefer a WFS /
> GeoJSON generator or ANOther use for the entities mapped from a
> database?  Perhaps a UML modeler which creates the pojos that then
> creates the PostGIS db would be of interest?
> I don't really use this for work, so some real direction from the
> community would be appreciated (cc'd Chris Hodgson as I know he uses
> hibernate in this way (but not this codebase)).
> Thanks,
> Norman 
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VERY nice bit of work, but I think you need an example with the postgis 
term in the where clause,  I have just spent several hours trying to 
work this out.
eg something like might help

select distinct dist from DistanceDTO as dist, DistanceDTO as src where 

Granted the dianostics from Hibernate are rather unclear.

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