September 2007 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Sep 1 11:02:03 PDT 2007
Ending: Sat Sep 29 14:16:54 PDT 2007
Messages: 279
- [postgis-users] Addgeometrycolumn() for already created columns
Webb Sprague
- [postgis-users] Mac OS X development - anyone have a Mac available for testing?
Mark Cave-Ayland
- [postgis-users] updating with askml function
pere roca
- [postgis-users] precision of GeomFromTex, Transform and text functions
Ludovico Bianchini
- [postgis-users] Fast way of finding comon points
Jason R. Moore
- R: [postgis-users] precision of GeomFromTex, Transform and text functions
P.Rizzi Ag.Mobilità Ambiente
- R: [postgis-users] precision of GeomFromTex, Transform and text functions
P.Rizzi Ag.Mobilità Ambiente
- R: R: [postgis-users] precision of GeomFromTex, Transform and text functions
P.Rizzi Ag.Mobilità Ambiente
- R: R: R: [postgis-users] precision of GeomFromTex, Transform and text functions
P.Rizzi Ag.Mobilità Ambiente
- [postgis-users] Creating points from x and y values
Chris Jewell
- [postgis-users] question on gist performance
Stefan Zweig
- [postgis-users] Hibernate Tools and PostGIS
Dave Potts
- [postgis-users] MSVC Patch #1
Mark Cave-Ayland
- [postgis-users] Help Mapserver and Postgis
Jose Gregorio Campos
- [postgis-users] GeomUnion Bug?
Charlie Savage
- [postgis-users] question on gist performance
Stefan Zweig
- [postgis-users] question on gist performance
Stefan Zweig
- [postgis-users] question on gist performance
Stefan Zweig
- [postgis-users] question on gist performance
Stefan Zweig
- [postgis-users] question on gist performance
Stefan Zweig
- [postgis-users] PGCon 2008 in Ottawa
Frank Warmerdam
- [postgis-users] PostGIS on PostgreSQL < 8.0
Paul Ramsey
- [postgis-users] libiconv problem
Jeff Stubbs
- [postgis-users] Bounding Circle instead of Bounding Box
postgis at
- [postgis-users] server termentaes abnormaly dijkstra
Jason R. Moore
- [postgis-users] ST_<function> vs <function>
Stephen Woodbridge
- [postgis-users] UNION
- [postgis-users] question on gist performance
Stefan Zweig
- [postgis-users] Update "spatial_ref_sys" with "+towgs84" parameters
feurbano at
- [postgis-users] Union of 7 datasets
Andreas Laggner
- [postgis-users] reading postgis objects
Malm Paul
- [postgis-users] postGIS install question- user permissions not accepted by the DB
brooks.glenn at
- [postgis-users] Distance between two points...
Chris Jewell
- [postgis-users] UNION
- [postgis-users] Shapefiles Attributes
Patrice William Yem-Yem
- [postgis-users] [Spatial Query] Experiencing difficulties with Postgis, Google Maps and EJB3.
easyCity Team
- [postgis-users] Postgis-RSS feeds
brooks.glenn at
- [postgis-users] (no postgis installed in postgis_reg)
Federico De Pieri
- [postgis-users] Intersection errors out with null directed edge
Chris Hermansen
- [postgis-users] Join variation
- [postgis-users] question on gist performance
Stefan Zweig
- [postgis-users] AsKML() how to create kml from postgis data
Maciej Skorczewski
- [postgis-users] Converting GMaps.getBounds to POLYGON ewkt format
Babu Naidu
- [postgis-users] Discovering where roads cross rivers
Dave Potts
- [postgis-users] unable to assign hole to a shell
Patrick Valsecchi
- [postgis-users] UNION
- [postgis-users] Question: How can I improve the performance of the function DISTANCE_SPHERE?
Reichle, Florian
- [postgis-users] how can I end points
- [postgis-users] calculate the distance between two points
- [postgis-users] PostgreSQL Conference Fall 07
Joshua D. Drake
- [postgis-users] Re: Bounding Circle instead of Bounding Box
Nico Mandery
- [postgis-users] distance between two end points of a line
- [postgis-users] Error "select AddGeometryColumn"
marcus at
- [postgis-users] Usage of new CIRCULARSTRING
Ken Southerland
- [postgis-users] using simplify and snaptogrid for a global coastline plot
chris hinkle
- [postgis-users] PHP PostGis on Fedora or any SELinux.
Jason R. Moore
- [postgis-users] How to get the centroid of an bounding box using st_extent
Charlie Savage
- [postgis-users] Coordinate transform (Lon,Lat)to(Lat,Lon)
- [postgis-users] Gist and points
Stephen Crawford
- [postgis-users] Announcing Hibernate Spatial
- [postgis-users] split a line with one or more point features
Rhys Stewart
- [postgis-users] YuriyRusinov wants to share sites with you...
yrusinov at
- [postgis-users] Error mail
Yuriy Rusinov
- [postgis-users] Data representation for geometries in PostGIS
Thorsten Kraus
- [postgis-users] OSGB to lat/long conversion
Chris Jewell
- [postgis-users] RE: Question: How can I improve the performance of
Reichle, Florian
- [postgis-users] RE: Question: How can I improve the performance of the function DISTANCE_SPHERE?
Reichle, Florian
- [postgis-users] line_interpolate_point problem
Rhys Stewart
- [postgis-users] WGS-84 coordinates in geometry
Sidney Cadot
- [postgis-users] shp2pgsql - dbf attribute size
Tom Glancy
- [postgis-users] RE: Question: How can I improve the performance of function DISTANCE_SPHERE?
Reichle, Florian
- [postgis-users] How to store many tables
Peter.Tolkewitz at
- [postgis-users] Union of 7 datasets
Andreas Laggner
- [postgis-users] Large point table
Stephen Crawford
- [postgis-users] Re: How to store many tables
Peter.Tolkewitz at
- [postgis-users] Union of 7 datasets
Andreas Laggner
- [postgis-users] ERROR: ExteriorRing: geom is not a polygon
Andreas Laggner
- [postgis-users] postgis tuning parameters
Dylan Beaudette
- [postgis-users] Raster in databases ?
Riccardo Rigon
- [postgis-users] PostGis reports
Gustavo Ces
- [postgis-users] Tiger Files on Windows PostGIS
Tom McAndless
- [postgis-users] [OT] This list as a blog
Paul Scott
- [postgis-users] is possible to use a subset of the srid table?
Ludovico Bianchini
- [postgis-users] Distance_Sphere Function with Point and Multiline
Reichle, Florian
Last message date:
Sat Sep 29 14:16:54 PDT 2007
Archived on: Fri Nov 2 17:19:27 PDT 2012
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