[postgis-users] Postgis-RSS feeds

Charlie Savage cfis at savagexi.com
Tue Sep 11 16:03:54 PDT 2007


> Has anybody explored outputting (or automatically updating) GIS layers from Postgis to remote mapserver or cartoweb WFS clients using RSS feeds?  Is this practicable/more simple/or a nightmare?? 
> I am working on distributing attribute information in a simple text/reporting dashboard, which will have a WFS client- so would like to explore if RSS is a possible method to set up and distribute content for remote user ( very non-technical people) viewing.


You might be interested in a Google group where we talk about 
RSS/Atom/REST/GIS.  See http://groups.google.com/group/geo-web-rest

I'll also be talking about Atom/GIS at Foss4G.

Anyway, the answer is yes.  Here is one example:


We have our own server software that does it, as opposed to a PostGIS 
built-in function. But its not hard to do.



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