[postgis-users] Opensource Toplink and Postgis(Java/JPA question)

Dave Potts dave.potts at pinan.co.uk
Thu Apr 17 11:23:26 PDT 2008

Has anybody had any success with the free version of Toplink and 
Postgis? to access a database

Toplink comes in two versions one for $$$ and a free version,  the free 
version does not seem to  support the @Convert annotation that is 
required to register the postgis Geometry type.

Without Convert type, what appears to happen is that toplink uses 
refflection to deterimne the data type from the postpis jdbc driver, it 
then bails out with an error.

Any suggestions?

If I had my choice then I would use Hibernate, but my project manager 
had other ideas :-(

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