[postgis-users] how to identify the_geom that cause : RelateOperation called withLWGEOMCOLLECTION type
Ghislain Geniaux
geniaux at avignon.inra.fr
Mon Dec 8 08:02:35 PST 2008
I've no collection. It's looks like a bug.
Moreover my table is very large wiht more than 500 000 geometry and i
found no solution to identy the wrong geom.
Here you can see the query, with the same result on different
plateform (LINUX DEBIAN, MACOS, with GEOS 3)
otm=# select distinct geometrytype(the_geom) from ZS2c;
(1 row)
otm=# select distinct geometrytype(the_geom) from bd_dispo_finalc ;
(2 rows)
otm=# create table info_nonvoue1 as
otm-# select b.id_parc, z.niv from bd_dispo_finalc as b, ZS2c as z
otm-# where z.niv=1 and intersects(centroid(b.the_geom),z.the_geom)
and b.the_geom && z.the_geom and isvalid(b.the_geom) and isvalid
ERROR: Relate Operation called with a LWGEOMCOLLECTION type. This
is unsupported
Le 8 déc. 08 à 13:32, Obe, Regina a écrit :
> Many of the GEOS relation functions do not work with collections.
> You must have a geometry collection in there somewhere or its a bug.
> Also which relation function were you trying?
> To figure out the type of your geometries, run
> FROM sometable
> WHERE GeometryType(the_geom) = 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION'
> -----Original Message-----
> From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
> Nicolas Ribot
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 6:22 AM
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] how to identify the_geom that cause :
> RelateOperation called withLWGEOMCOLLECTION type
>> I have an error with some geometry that cause : "ERROR Relate
> Operation
>> called withLWGEOMCOLLECTION type".
>> All the geometries seem clean (valid, non empty, closed, only
> ..)
>> My question : how to get information of which geometry cause the
> problem ?
>> Is there a way to have information about the geometry during postgis
> is
>> working on a SQL query ?
>> Thanks.
> Hi Ghislain,
> What the query that failed looks like ?
> The message is telling that one geometry has an invalid type.
> In your query, you could try to ask for ST_GeometryType(geometry) and
> a geometry identifier to see which geometry has the wrong type.
> If you perform a spatial operation, it is possible that
> geometryCollection is produced.
> You could maybe split your query into smaller block to see where such
> collections are generated.
> Nicolas
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Geniaux Ghislain
INRA SAD Ecodéveloppement
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