[postgis-users] edges of road - sidewalk of road

lisek lichu lisek.lichu at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 03:41:25 PST 2008


I have my geom in table named segments.
I added upgis_lineshift function to my database and after use

SELECT upgis_lineshift(the_geom,10) As right_line from segments;

I get message like this:

ERROR:  column "st_startpoint" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT  ST_Azimuth(ST_StartPoint?( $1 ), ST_EndPoint?( $1 ))

so I checked:

select AsText(ST_StartPoint(the_geom)) from segments;

and I get

 POINT(-8.593025208 41.180818082)
 POINT(-8.594827652 41.187632944)
 POINT(-8.591823578 41.193090782)
 POINT(-8.611950874 41.190119708)
 POINT(-8.613796234 41.179203081)
 POINT(-8.602809906 41.180559684)
(6 rows)

so ST_StartPoint exists and works well.

I don't know what is goin on :P
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