[postgis-users] Postgis for geology work

Gustavo Ces g.ces at pettra.es
Thu Jun 12 00:03:06 PDT 2008

Hi all,

    i want to use PostGis for geological work ( fluid diffusion,stratigraphy, boreholes, mining...). I was searching in Inet but seems there are no tools, data models,... So my alternative is to integrate different softwares with python and a database schema. Of course, i have to work with 3d geometries ( i´ve read the last thread about x3d)... the problem is to operate in a 3d environment.. I´ve got to separate visualization and operations ( make something and then visualize in browser or other software ). For example, work with geometries in a 3d draw environment then export to Postgis with Cam2Camp tools and then make some python scripts to calculate what i want ( volumes, horizontal and vertical sections, distribution of materials, grid creations,integration with numerical models... ). And all this into a defined schema to insert boreholes, geophysical, geomorphological and geochemical data and integrate all of them... I´m scared! And it´s not an easy way...
But before this, any experience?

Thanks in advance

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