[postgis-users] Fatal: Symbol pj_set_searchpath

Christian Schaffer christian.schaffer at muenchen.de
Tue Mar 4 01:17:33 PST 2008

Hi list,

compiling Postgis 1.3.2 on a Solaris 10 x86_64, I?m running into a fatal 
error while executing lwpostgis.sql.
My prerequisites are:
Solaris 10, x86_64
Postgres 8.2.6 (packaged for Solaris by www.blastwave.org)
proj 4.4.8 (packaged for Solaris by www.blastwave.org)
geos 3.0.0 (compiled myself)

My configure options are:
./configure \
--with-proj=/opt/csw \

The configure summary reads:
 HOST_OS: solaris2.10
   PGSQL: /bin/pg_config
    PROJ: prefix=/opt/csw libdir=/opt/csw/lib
   ICONV: 1 -liconv
 PORTNAME: solaris
   PREFIX: /usr/local/postgis-1.3.2
  EPREFIX: ${prefix}
      DOC: ${prefix}/share/doc
     DATA: ${datarootdir}
      MAN: ${datarootdir}/man
      BIN: ${exec_prefix}/bin
      EXT: ${exec_prefix}/lib (${exec_prefix}/lib)

I use gmake (gcc 3.4.5, packaged for Solaris by www.blastwave.org). No 
errors during gmake and gmake install.

I then created a database (template_postgis) and issued
|createlang plpgsql template_postgis|

Importing lwpostgis.sql ends up with an error. I extracted the first few 
lines of lwpostgis.sql into a test.txt:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION histogram2d_in(cstring)
        RETURNS histogram2d
        AS '/usr/local/postgis-1.3.2/lib/liblwgeom', 'lwhistogram2d_in'
        LANGUAGE 'C' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- WITH (isstrict);

This is the output:
# psql -d template_postgis -f test.txt -U postgres
psql:test.txt:4: NOTICE:  type "histogram2d" is not yet defined
DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
psql:test.txt:4: ERROR:  could not load library 
"/usr/local/postgis-1.3.2/lib/liblwgeom.so": ld.so.1: postgres: Schwerer 
Fehler: Verschiebungsfehler: Datei 
/usr/local/postgis-1.3.2/lib/liblwgeom.so: Symbol pj_set_searchpath: 
referenziertes Symbol nicht gefunden

Google didn?t tell me much about this error. So I?d appreciate, if you 
were able to help.
Thanks in advance, best regards,
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