[postgis-users] SRID and unprojected (Census) data

Chris Story kc5hhq at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 19:50:26 PDT 2008

What about EPSG: 4269?

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 8:35 PM, Lee Hachadoorian <
lee.hachadoorian at gmail.com> wrote:

> Can someone please give me some ideas, or pointers to where this
> question is answered elsewhere, on how to handle unprojected geographic
> data in PostGIS?  Would I just create the table with SRID = -1?  The US
> Census makes several cartographic boundary files available using the
> NAD83 datum, but unprojected (with just lat/long coordinates for each
> point or polygon).  I looked through spatial_ref_sys, and there are over
> 500 NAD83 reference systems, but it appears that they are all projected
> (UTM, state plane, whatever).
> Thanks in advance,
> Lee Hachadoorian
> PhD Student, Geography
> Program in Earth & Environmental Sciences
> CUNY Graduate Center
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Thank you,

Chris Story
Federal Flood Certification Corporation
4000 Horizon Way
Irving, TX 75063
Phone: (800) 449-3322 ext 15931
FAX: (800) 929-3322
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