[postgis-users] Another few questions
Stephen Woodbridge
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sun Mar 30 11:48:12 PDT 2008
Paul Tomblin wrote:
> Sorry to start bugging everybody like this, but the manual is pretty
> horrible if you're trying to handroll stuff from scratch. Keep in mind
> I'm not trying to display this data in some pre-existing program, just
> do a bunch of spatial queries on point, line and polygon data.
> 1. I'm trying to do geographic (lat/long) projections. How do I define
> a polygon that encompasses the whole world? I've added a column to one
> of my tables using:
> select addgeometrycolumn('areaids','rectangle',4326,'POLYGON',2);
> but when I try to add a world encompassing polygon using:
> insert into areaids values (nextval('areaids_pk_seq'), null, null,
> 0, geomfromtext('POLYGON((-180 -90, 180 -90, 180 90, -180 90, -180
> -90))'));
insert into areaids values (nextval('areaids_pk_seq'), null, null, 0,
setsrid(geomfromtext('POLYGON((-180 -90, 180 -90, 180 90, -180 90, -180
-90))')), 4326);
> I get:
> ERROR: new row for relation "areaids" violates check constraint
> "enforce_srid_rectangle"
> 2. The documentation never mentions geographic projections except in the
> section about ST_Distance_Sphere. Do I enter them as latitude longitude
> or longitude latitude? Also, is East or West positive?
East is positive
> 3. Is there any way to get the corners of a polygon or its bounding box
> out as separate points?
> 4. Is there a perl library that will parse WKT or WKB?
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