[postgis-users] PostGIS install on postgres 8.3 running on 64bit OpenSuse10.3

Facundo Garat facundo.garat at novare.com.uy
Thu May 1 10:34:08 PDT 2008

 you have rpm packages on opensuse repositories

for postgis:

for postgres:


On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Calum Byrom <calum.byrom at googlemail.com>

> Hi,
> Has anyone managed to get PostGIS working on Postgres 8.3 running on
> OpenSuse10.3 on 64bit hardware?
> I've gone through the install instructions described at:
> http://liangzou.blogspot.com/2008/02/setting-up-postgresql-with-postgis-on.html
> and everything works ok until I get to the point of running:
> psql -d dgvbr -f lwpostgis.sql
> - this then throws up the error:
> psql:/home/cbyrom/postgis-1.3.3/lwpostgis.sql:44: NOTICE:  type
> "histogram2d" is not yet defined
> DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
> psql:/home/cbyrom/postgis-1.3.3/lwpostgis.sql:44: ERROR:  incompatible
> library "/usr/lib64/postgresql/liblwgeom.so": versi
> on mismatch
> DETAIL:  Server is version 8.3, library is version 8.2.
> I've downloaded and installed the latest versions of the required
> software:
> postgresql-8.3.1
> proj-4.6.0
> geos-3.0.0
> postgis-1.3.3
> - I've also retried with postgresql 8.2 - just to check - and this works
> ok with the above script.  Unfortunately, I need the tsvector functionality
> that is provided by postgres 8.3.
> I can't see where this mismatch is coming in since it appears from other
> distros that postgis should be ok on postgres 8.3.
> Anyone have an idea what might be going on here?
> Many thanks,
> Calum
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Facundo Garat Mayer
facundo at garat.net
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